Wednesday, 26 March 2008

Basques from The Late Queen

Along with the first packs of C.T.V. from The Late Queen I also ordered some additional Basque Command (SCW002) and LMG's (SCW005) as I loved these miniatures. There's something about the Lewis gunner that cries out "For Whom The Bells Toll"!

The majority of the Basque miniatures from The Late Queen are characterised by tight spanish berets, and light equipment. They wear open shirts with rolled sleeves or cadoza style 'battledress' jackets. Trousers are either gathered into socks or left long.

They are ideal for representing Basque (of course) or early Carlist militias and will add variety to your International Brigades or even Anarchists (especially if you add neck scarves from putty). I wouldn't be fussy about mixing and matching figures from packs
SCW004, SCW007, SCW008 to create the bulk of your Basque or Carlist militias, just make sure the majority have the characteristic beret.

On a slightly (ahem) divergent note. Some of these Late Queen Basque miniatures may well end up in my Central American revolutionary games based on Peter Pig's
AK47 Republic, as they make great 1950/60's Latin American guerrileros. I can also see a place for carefully chosen miniatures from these packs as French, Belgian, Italian or possibly even Greek resistance fighters. Guns of Navarone anyone?

If you are interested in the civil war in the Basque provinces, the following website (in Spanish) has details of the conflict together with an informative forum and substantial links.

La Guerra Civil en la Pais Vasco

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